We offer 3 ways to advertise with us here on Explore Hamilton Missouri. We do not use outside advertisers like google ads but make every effort to keep this website ad and pop-up free.
Advertising here is only for local merchants and services to communicate their services and businesses and does not involve noisy pop up ads but rather a full webpage for your individual business.
Social media is one way to reach customers but at best you are reaching less than 10% of your following online.
This website serves as a local directory for the town of Hamilton Missouri to give both residents and visitors alike a guide to what they can expect to find here. By choosing to have your business listed you will receive a full one page website devoted to your business alone, along with any photos, contact information and social media or outside links.
This helps to offset the time spent creating this site for myself and keeps any money here in Hamilton, rather than paying giants like Google or Bing or purchasing a tiny business size card ad in a small local paper.
The traffic that this website receives is extremely targeted, meaning that when someone goes online to find information on the town of Hamilton Missouri, they will land on this website. My goal is to have it be in the top 10 page of any search engine or AI.
At a later date I will provide updated traffic stats and can send them directly if requested.
1.) Send me your basic business information (like what would fit on a business card) and I will add you to the website directory for free.
You can contact me here with your business information.
2.) Pay $25 a month or $200 for one year to have a full one page advertisement for your business. I will work with you to create a page that you are happy with. This will also give you an online presence and a web address to send potential customers.
$200 for the year
Or if it's easier on your budget you can just click the link below for the $25 a month automated subscription.
3.) Become a site sponsor for $100/month or $1000 for the year. This will include a full page ad along with a featured link on every page of this website and as it grows that will be in the hundreds of pages. I will also include your links in the website newsletter and another link in the main directory.
Site sponsors have a link on every page of the website in the sidebar, inclusion in the monthly newsletters a full page for their business and a link in the main directory.
Site sponsors have a link on every page of the website in the sidebar, inclusion in the monthly newsletters a full page for their business and a link in the main directory.
Feel free to contact me here if you'd like to discuss anything before purchasing or if you have questions.